Award Winning Dental Practice with a wide range of treatments and clinics in Cootehill, Co. Cavan & Monaghan.
[email protected] 51 Market St, Cootehill, Co. Cavan049 5552683
[email protected] Plantation Road, Co. Monaghan047 75575
Opening TimesOpening times here
Opening times here
Cootehill, Co. Cavan049 5552683
049 5552683
Monaghan047 75575
047 75575
Our Cootehill Clinic is in central Cavan & offers ample parking nearby.
Our State of the Art Clinic is situated in the centre of Monaghan
Removable appliances are braces that can be taken in and out of the mouth. They are not glued of ‘fixed’ to the teeth like conventional train track braces.