Orthognathic surgery / Jaw Surgery
Why might I need this treatment?
In order to correct the position of the teeth and provide a better functioning bite, the jaw bones must be in the correct position. If this is not the case, orthodontics alone cannot correct the bite. Surgery will be needed to move the jaws into the right position so the teeth can be moved to meet evenly.
We do not carry this treatment out ‘in-house’ at Colm Smith Dental & Specialist Centre, but can provide referral to a service provider for this treatment.
If I need jaw surgery, why do I also require orthodontics?
If the jaws are to be moved into the correct position, it is important your teeth are moved so that they will meet evenly after surgery. It is likely that your bite may appear worse before the surgery.
Orthognathic Surgery - FAQ
What type of brace will I need to wear?
Fixed braces are used prior to jaw surgery because they allow the most accurate positioning of the teeth before the operation.
Are the braces removed just before the operation?
Fixed braces are used prior to jaw surgery because they allow the most accurate positioning of the teeth before the operation.
Are the braces removed just before the operation?
No. The braces stay in position during and after the operation for a number of months. During the operation, they help the surgeon to position the jaws evenly. After the operation, they help the orthodontist ‘fine tune’ the bite with the aid of the elastic bands.
How will the operation be done?
The majority of the operation will be done from inside your mouth when you are sleep, under general anaesthetic.
Will my jaws be wired together?
No. Patients having jaw surgery used to have their teeth wired together for 6-8 weeks after surgery. This is now uncommon as small metal plates and screws are used to hold the bones together. These plates are on the surface of the bone but beneath the skin, and generally remain in place forever. Very occasionally they are removed at a later date.
How long will I be in hospital?
This varies, but in general 2-4 days.

Can I eat normally?
Yes, up until the operation you should be able to eat normally. For your orthodontic treatment to work well and in the shortest possible time it is important you take care of your teeth and brace.
In order to avoid damage to both, you should:
After the operation, you will need to have a very soft diet for the first 4-6 weeks. The dietician at the hospital will advise you about this nearer the time. Following your operation, you will need to pay special attention to your oral hygiene. Further information about taking care of your teeth following your surgery can be found on the BOS website: www. Bos.org.uk/Public-Patients/Your-Jaw-Surgery1

How much does Orthognathic surgery cost?
Prices vary depending on the treatment you need. Please discuss this with your dentist during your assessment. At Colm Smith Dental we provide our patients with the knowledge and expertise needed to get the best results.
Our pricing is competitive, and our dentists are highly skilled. Please see our price list below or call one of our practices in Cootehill and Monaghan to find out more.
PRSI & Medical Card
PRSI Scale & Polish for 15 euro
PRSI- Please present your PPS number and with your signed consent, Colm Smith Dental can check your eligibility. If you are eligible, your check-up will be free and a regular scale and polish with the dentist or hygienist will be €15.
Medical Card Cover
Medical Card- if you hold a medical card, with your consent Colm Smith Dental can check your eligibility prior to your appointment. If you are eligible, you are entitled to a free examination, 2 fillings and all extractions per calendar year. Other treatments are available on the Medical card; however prior approval is required from the HSE.
If you are unsure what treatment you may need, please fill out the appointment form with as much information as possible and we will contact you as soon as we can.
We have Dental Clinics in Cootehill in Cavan and also in Monaghan centre.