Combined Orthodontic and Restorative treatment
Following orthodontic treatment, you may require the help and intervention of our wonderful team of restorative dentists. Once your teeth are in the correct position, then the size, shape and colour can be reinvented to give you that beautiful smile you longed for. All procedures are performed ‘in-house saving you the time and expense of travelling further afield.
Some reasons for restorative ‘cosmetic’ treatment after orthodontic treatment:
- Hypodontia- is the developmental absence of one or more teeth excluding the wisdom teeth (third molars). This is a common condition and sometimes requires treatment by a combination of Specialist Orthodontics and restorative dentistry.
Careful planning is imperative before commencing treatment so that the existing space is closed, opened or redistributed.
Missing teeth may be replaced using
- A partial denture (read more here)
- A bridge (read more here)
- A Dental implant (read more here)
- Small or ‘diminutive’ teeth- As well as ‘missing’ teeth, teeth may present as being smaller than the average size, also known as ‘diminutive teeth’. This occurs most commonly with lateral incisors and is sometimes known as ’peg’ teeth or ‘peg’ laterals. Space may be created using orthodontic treatment to allow for future restorative treatment such as ‘Composite bonding’ or veneers to disguise the appearance of small teeth. (add links to composite bonding and veneer pages).
- Teeth whitening- To improve the colour of your teeth (read more here).
If you are unsure what treatment you may need, please fill out the appointment form with as much information as possible and we will contact you as soon as we can.
We have Dental Clinics in Cootehill in Cavan and also in Monaghan centre.